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Alvenius industrier AB

Alvenius focuses on six business segments – Mining and Tunneling, Industry, Fire Protection, Snowmaking, Water & Sewereage systems and Special Applications.


Pipes are just part of the business.

We know how to pump materials at the lowest possible total cost and with the highest operational security. Pipes and pipe fittings are the physical side of the delivery, but our customers also benefit from our system knowledge throughout the pipe system’s complete life cycle.  


We supply the best possible solution with the best possible operational economy. Wherever in the world you have your business. 

Johan Leiker
Managing Director

Alvenius Industrier AB

Box 550 
SE-631 07 Eskilstuna, Sweden 

Visitor's address:
Kungsgatan 75 

Switchboard: +46 16 16 65 00 
Fax: +46 16 12 26 34 

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